Our Story


Our Story

Association of Indian Muslims (A.I.M.) was founded in 2001 by Mr. Owais Arab, a visionary community leader with a passionate commitment to promoting interfaith unity and empowering minorities through access to quality education. An advocate by profession, Mr. Arab’s journey of creating a social organisation began at a time when communal fault lines were becoming increasingly visible in Indian society. 

These divisions not only posed a threat to democracy but also hindered equal access to education, healthcare, employment, and human rights. Mr. Arab believed that efforts to foster unity among India’s diverse religions must go hand in hand with creating educational and employment opportunities for the underprivileged minorities. His conviction was fortified by the findings of the Sachar Committee, which highlighted the significant disadvantages faced by Muslims in India regarding education, employment, and representation in government.

From this vision, emerged A.I.M. – a forum for cultural exchange, socio-political awareness, and community-led initiatives, with the dual mission of nurturing unity in India’s diverse religious landscape and empowering minorities with education to break the cycle of poverty and inequality. 

Over the years, A.I.M. has touched the lives of thousands from all walks of life through interfaith cultural events, seminars on minority rights, and educational initiatives. Our relentless members and volunteers have also given birth to Kaar-e-Khair, an initiative designed to provide financial assistance to low-income families and support small businesses. As part of this initiative, A.I.M. also extends a helping hand to the sick and elderly from underprivileged backgrounds, providing them with critical equipment for long-term at-home medical care.

At A.I.M., we believe in the power of unity, education, and community-driven change. Join us in our journey towards a more harmonious, equitable, and inclusive India, where all citizens have the opportunity to thrive and contribute to the nation’s progress.


To create a future where education is accessible to all, regardless of socio-economic background, and to empower and uplift underprivileged individuals, providing them with the tools and opportunities they need to succeed. 


To cultivate and nurture communal peace, harmony, and social upliftment and to promote and cultivate an environment that nurtures inclusivity, interfaith dialogue, and mutual respect, and a society where diversity is celebrated and all individuals thrive together.


Our organization is built on the values of communal harmony, fostering friendships, and embracing compassion. These principles guide our actions as we work towards a more inclusive and harmonious society.